Dec 24, 2020 | Blog, Coronavirus Pandemic Updates
I am an anesthesiologist trained at the USC School of Medicine, who cures infections by strengthen immunity with anesthetic injections and acupuncture. This method treats the cause of the infections, which are circulation blockages that deprive the tissues of O2 and...
Dec 21, 2020 | Blog, PEMF, Energy Patches, Feng Shui & More
We want to share a great health device, the SleepM thermal crystal bed, which has phenomenal healing effects and would enhance your health as well as brighten your life. ML and I have had remarkable health improvements after just ONE night sleeping on it! We noted...
Dec 18, 2020 | Blog, Coronavirus Pandemic Updates
The CV19 Geneocide of 2020 We are besieged by GLOBAL TERRORISM! Help us to stop it by joining our WhatsApp group! Call 714-883-3381. Sara cunio, an Italian MP, called for the arrest of B.Gates for his crime against...
Jun 18, 2020 | Blog, Coronavirus Pandemic Updates
1.RESTORING HEALTH IS THE ONLY ROOT-CAUSE SOLUTION TO COVID-19 Sat. 6-27-20 For lecture notes!forum/health-happiness-success 2.THE FALLACIES OF VACCINATION (VA) AND ANTIBIOTICS (AB) I would like to continue...
May 28, 2020 | Blog, Coronavirus Pandemic Updates
Lori Oliwenstein, Editor in Chief, Judy Hill, Senior Editor Caltech Magazine, “What is the meaning of quantum mechanics?” This question appeared in the spring issue of Caltech Magazine. From studying eastern and western science, I have concluded...