Jun 9, 2007 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews, Testimonial Evidence
Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Arm Pain, Mid-Back Pain, Menstrual Cramps Jessica (see RS #3 9-23-00 RS #357 3-15-14) suffered from mid and low back pain for many years. She injured her right shoulder, neck, and arm. The pain was also in the front of her neck and in her...
Aug 27, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Sciatic Pain, Hives, Itching Jackie (see # 100 12-14-02, #107 2-22-03, #121 6-7-03, #139 11-8-03, #212 8-20-05 from Lakewood, Retired) went to chiropractors for severe sciatic pain, which she had for a year. Her pain was so bad that she had to crawl on her hands and...
Jul 23, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Sciatic Pain, Leg Pain, Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Weight Loss, High Cholesterol, Sleep Apnea Mike (see #187 1-29-05, # 194 3-19-05, #197 4-16-05, #198 4-23-05 #225 7-14-07, #259 8-8-09 #359 3/29/14 from Anaheim Hills, CA) suffered from sciatic pain for the last 9...
Apr 9, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Right Knee Pain, Right and Left Foot Pain, Right Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Calf Pain, Constipation Walter (from Palm Beach, Florida. YT Part 1, YT Part 2 ) is an 85 year old training for the World’s Masters. He has won 46 senior Olympic gold medals. When he was...
Mar 19, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Sciatic Pain, Leg Pain, Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Weight Loss Mike (see #187 1-29-05, #197 4-16-05, #198 4-23-05, #208 7-23-05 #225 7-14-07, RS 259 8-8-09 #359 3/29/14 from Anaheim Hills, CA) suffered from sciatic pain for the last 9 months. He has been going to...