Sep 21, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Stress, Low Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Sinus Problems, Headaches, Cancer (Helen – from the East Coast – Port St. Lucy, Florida and Vermont) – Helen is retired and received one treatment from Dr. Tong 10 years ago for chronic low back pain....
May 4, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Vertigo, Neck Pain, Depression (Sandy from Huntington Beach) This real estate agent suffered from her first episode of severe vertigo three years ago. She became so dizzy that she could not lay down. After a few days, her symptoms passed and did not recur until a year...
Apr 20, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Fatigue, Headaches, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Weak Immunity (Diana) Professional therapist who has dealt with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 15 years. She works with high school students and was exposed to many different physical and mental diseases. She experienced so...
Apr 13, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Severe Constipation, Abdominal Pain, Depression (Jenny, see # 94 10-12-02, #115 4-26-03, #124 6-28-03, #140 11-15-03) 14 year old daughter of Kandra (see Show #74 4-6-02)) who suffered from severe constipation, abdominal pain, and depression due to stress in her life....
Mar 16, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Muscular Atrophy/Dystrophy, Allergies, Sleep Apnea, Burping, Sinusitis, Muscular Atrophy Diana (RS #89 9-7-02) does product and motivational seminars for various cosmetic companies such as Cover Girl, Max Factor, and Olay. She has a 12 year history of chronic back...