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(714) 556-8664

Heart Disease & Bypass

MULTIPLE CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS SURGERIES In 1984 I had a triple bypass surgery and after that I had severe chest pains caused from nerve damage, we assumed. However, after Dr. Tong gave me an x-ray, we found that three of the five wires that were holding my sternum...

Kidney Stones

GOUT, KIDNEY STONES I woke up on Friday morning on August 4, 1995 and I immediately felt a gout attack starting in my left knee. I used to have these attacks frequently; even with medications, the attack lasted two to three weeks and sometimes spread to other joints. ...

Rheumatoid Arthritis

DEGENERATIVE ARTHRITIS, LUMBOSACRAL SPINE, SCIATICA Like so many of your now healthy patients before me, I am pleased to send you this unsolicited letter. Outside of Christ, you are the “Healer of All Healers.” You have saved me, as well as countless...

Thyroid Problems

GOUT, KIDNEY STONES I woke up on Friday morning on August 4, 1995 and I immediately felt a gout attack starting in my left knee. I used to have these attacks frequently; even with medications, the attack lasted two to three weeks and sometimes spread to other joints. ...
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