Dec 8, 2014 | Written Testimonials
BACK PAIN, FIBROMYALGIA, DEPRESSION, CHRONIC FATIGUE, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES My story is now becoming all too familiar. Years of back abuse from car accidents, falls, having three kids and lifting too much for too long had led to chronic lower back pain. One year ago, I...
Mar 19, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Sciatic Pain, Leg Pain, Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Weight Loss Mike (see #187 1-29-05, #197 4-16-05, #198 4-23-05, #208 7-23-05 #225 7-14-07, RS 259 8-8-09 #359 3/29/14 from Anaheim Hills, CA) suffered from sciatic pain for the last 9 months. He has been going to...
Aug 14, 2004 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Low Back Pain, Right Knee Pain, Thrombocytopenia, Left Sided Weakness from Stroke, Depression, Cataracts Judie (see #163 7-31-04, from Escondido, Ca) This 61 year old Caucasian female had a stroke 5 years ago which caused her to have left sided weakness, numbness,...
Jun 19, 2004 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Low Back Pain, Shoulder and Neck Pain, Back Injury Mary (from Arizona) This 79 year old female complains of low back pain which radiates down her right leg to her ankle and top of her foot. Her problem started one and half years ago after she slipped on some rocks and...
May 15, 2004 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Chest Pain (sternum, clavicle, neck, cervical pain), Shortness of Breath, Left Shoulder Pain, Low Back Pain, Type 2 Diabetes, TMJ, Stress, Fatigue Karen (see #158 6-19-04 #165 8-14-04,#194 3-19-05, #221 6-16-07, #291 12-31-11 YT Part 1 YT Part 2 from Dana Point, CA)...