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Low Back Pain, Shoulder and Neck Pain, Back Injury

Mary (from Arizona) This 79 year old female complains of low back pain which radiates down her right leg to her ankle and top of her foot. Her problem started one and half years ago after she slipped on some rocks and fell backwards. The pain caused her to become fatigued very easily and she cannot stand for long periods of time. She also has right shoulder and neck pain from the fall. She went to regular MD’s and had an MRI. She went to a Total Back Care Center, approved by the FDA, to strengthen her back. They did massage as well as chiropractic treatment. She went 2 times a week for a year and a half. However, she was not getting better or any satisfying relief. She did not want to continue because it felt like a dead end. Mary then fell again, walking up the stairs and had another MRI done. The MRI showed nothing wrong except that she could not undergo an operation. She was recommended by her friend to see Dr. Tong. After her first NBE treatment, she could straighten up. Then she had 2 more treatments and went back to Arizona. She came back this time for a lump and pain in her calf that would not go away. She went to the hospital to make sure that there was no blood clot in her leg. After they ruled out a blood clot, she came back to see Dr. Tong. After 2 treatments, her leg pain is completely gone.

Leo (caller from Lomita) – Atrial Fibrillation

Chest Pain (sternum, clavicle, neck, cervical pain), Shortness of Breath, Left Shoulder Pain, Low Back Pain, Type 2 Diabetes, TMJ, Stress, Fatigue

Karen (see #155 5-15-04 #165 8-14-04,#194 3-19-05,#221 6-16-07,#291 12-31-11 YT Part 1 YT Part 2 from Dana Point, CA) is a 58 year old former restaurant owner who has suffered from constant chest pain which started out as a major neck pain a year ago. She then started having back spasms, left shoulder pain, and arm pain. For the past few months she has been having severe chest pain. She went to numerous Western doctors and had every test imaginable and was put on pain meds from Vicodin to Ultram (an opiate). She felt like the insides of her chest walls were tearing” and she started getting shortness of breath The pain was so bad that she went to the hospital in January of 2004 because she thought she was having a heart attack. The hospital found nothing wrong with her and sent her home with more pain medication. Karen also became insulin resistant from stress and developed Type 2 Diabetes. She was so fatigued that she could not vacuum her house or walk her dog. After one treatment with Dr. Tong, she felt like a completely different person. Her chest pain subsided considerably and she also felt emotionally more stable. Her blood sugar has stabilized and she has discontinued her diabetic medication. She even had enough energy to vacuum her house and walk her dog for the first time in months. Karen feels like she has been given back her life again. Her whole attitude – mind, body, and spirit are one again. She realizes now that her problem stemmed from tragic deaths in her family and friends. After the NBE treatments, she can talk about her problems in the past and she is now able to let go. Karen has now had 5 treatments and she has become herself again.

Breast Cancer, Chemotherapy, Bone Pain, Low Back Pain, Leukopenia, Dry Mouth

Kay (see #156 5-22-04, #160 7-3-04, from San Diego, CA) is a 41 year old woman diagnosed with Inflammatory breast cancer 5 months ago. She was treated in the Cancer center in San Diego with 4 months of chemotherapy (using 3 chemicals). The side effects from the chemotherapy treatments included upset stomach, nausea, and fatigue. She also started having bone pain throughout her body, lower back pain, and severe dry mouth since starting chemotherapy. Every time she got a chemotherapy treatment her white blood cell (WBC) count would drop, one time almost zero, which would have been detrimental for her if she had a severe infection. She was then given a chemical to stimulate her bone marrow to create more WBC’s. The injection of this drug was expensive and painful, causing more bone pain. In fact, the first injection of drug that she received made her WBC decrease from 1500 down to 500. After NBE treatments with Dr. Tong, she had relief from the bone pain. In addition, her WBC count went from 500 to 5600. She has also had no constipation since her very first treatment. Her tumor has gotten smaller and softer. It is not as hot or as inflamed as before. She can feel the tumor in her breast breaking down. The cracks and fissures are softening down.

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