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Patient had a history of pain in her sternum, clavicle, neck, and cervical spine. She was constantly short of breath. She felt the chest and back pain every time she took a breath. She felt like the inside of her chest walls were tearing. The pain caused her to lose sleep at night and was so bad that she was unable to do household chores because she is unable to lift a vacuum cleaner and hold her arm over her head. Patient states that the muscles in her face were extremely tight. After the NBE treatment, patient was completely cured of all her pain and able to breathe better. She was able to do all household chores. In addition, patient was able to stop all her Diabetic medication. Patient also talks about her Aunt who suffers from dementia, seizures, thyroid problems, and leg edema, which have all been helped with the NBE treatment. (RS #155 5/15/04, #158 6/19/04 #165 8/14/04 #194 3/19/05 RS #291 12/31/11 #221 6/16/07)

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664