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Sciatica, Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, Leg Cramps, Obesity Ken (from Ohi) is a driving instructor who suffers from the above problems. He has been on 8 different medications for the past 2 years costing him $400 per month. He heard Dr. Tong on the radio for the past 6 months and decided to finally try his treatment. After his first treatment, he no longer has leg spasms. He also has more energy and is now able to stay awake through a 2 hour movie. He has had 2 treatments and his blood pressure and blood sugar without medication is at 142/90 and 140. He hopes to continue treatment so that he will no longer need medication for his high blood pressure and diabetes.

Arthritis, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Rotator Cuff Injury (Shoulder), Insomnia Joni (from Huntington Beach, CA) is a retired teacher who has suffered from arthritis pain for 40 years in her knees. She was starting to have trouble dancing and working out. In the last 3 years, she also had shoulder pain and her physician recommended surgery for her rotator cuff. She tried aspirin and different medications all to no avail. She also had trouble sleeping because of her pain. After her first treatment with Dr. Tong, she was feeling so much better. She could dance and started working out again without pain. After her 3rd treatment, she was able to sleep for 8 1/2 hours. Her lower back pain is also much better.

“Ferreiro Report” Dr. Andrea Ferreiro reports on cases she has seen at Dr. Tong’s office:

Diabetic Neuropathy, Swelling and Edema of the legs

Dr. Tong has been treating Don (see RS  #104 1/25/03 # 157 6-12-04, #182 12-18-04 #225 7/14/07 #359 3/29/14 YT) for severe diabetic neuropathy for the past 6 months and saved him from having to have his legs amputated.

Paranoia, Generalized Muscle Weakness, Anger Dr. Tong treated Matthew, a 16 year old (see #154 4-17-04), who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in early 2004. He returns because he was unable to speak again and also had generalized muscle weakness. After treatments with Dr. Tong, he is slowly regaining his ability to speak and he is feeling more at peace.

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664