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(714) 556-8664

Chronic Cervical Strain, Neck Pain

Lenny, who works as a stunt man, has always suffered from neck pain. The pain has progressively gotten worse in the last 15 months. He also complains of constant clicking and severe stiffness in his neck. He had x-rays done, which were normal, and was given neck exercises as well as aspirin and Anaprox for his pain. He tried physical therapy with ultrasound and massage which only gave him temporary relief. After 4 treatments from Dr. Tong, his neck stiffness has improved and his pain is barely noticeable. He now only complains of slight clicking in his neck.

Raymond – caller from Glendora – (see #138 11-1-03, #170 9-25-04 #196 4-9-05 #220 6/9/07, #357 3/15/14) This OB-GYN is about to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa and wants to receive treatments from Dr. Tong to improve his stamina and energy

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