May 14, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Mary Lou (caller from La Verne. see # 205 6-11-05, #207 7-2-05) – Mary Lou’s father has Numbness and WeaknessRay (caller from Santa Ana) – Question about Rotator Cuff Tear Dr. Elain and Dr. Tong review the “Ferreiro Report.” Dr. Andrea...
Sep 13, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Scleroderma, CREST syndrome, Fatigue, Weight Loss, Infections, Gangrenous Finger Doreen (from West Covina) – Doreen was diagnosed with scleroderma almost 10 years ago when she was 17 years old. She was getting infections in her fingers, her skin was becoming...
May 10, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Lupus, Joint Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Acne Jennifer (from Orange County, CA) who works at Well’s Fargo Bank started noticing inflamed fingers and toes when she was 15 years old. Doctors did numerous tests on her, which all came out negative (including Lupus,...
May 11, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Severe Lung Infections, Lung Cancer (Midge, see #66 2-2-02, #77 5-4-02, from Irvine, Ca – retired school teacher) – 85 yr young woman with severe lung infections. She had lung cancer in 1976 after her husband passed away. She refused to get chemotherapy...