Nov 15, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Auto Accident, Severe Back Pain, Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), Narcotic addiction David (see #141 11-22-03, from Costa Mesa, CA) This Landscaper was involved in an auto accident in December of 2001. Two months later, he suffered a stroke, which delayed the...
Jun 21, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Auto Accidents (Failure of Broken Ankles to Heal Properly) Anne, (see #360 4-5-2014 from Redondo Beach, CA YT ) This 72 years young woman is returning to school to study chiropractics. An auto accident a year ago left Anne with broken ankles that failed to heal...
Sep 1, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Subdural Hematoma, Stroke, Seizures (Vladimir, see RS #40 7-7-01) – Follow up on mother Rosa, who underwent brain surgery and suffered a subdural hematoma as a result. She has now had about 8-10 treatments with Dr. Tong. Her energy and physical movement have...
Aug 20, 1999 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Motor Vehicle Accidents, Chronic Pain, Cancer, Chemotherapy, Neuropathy Carmelita Profound grief from the recent death of a son was completely resolved with the first treatment, as with most of the pain due to the use of chemotherapy...