May 14, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Mary Lou (caller from La Verne. see # 205 6-11-05, #207 7-2-05) – Mary Lou’s father has Numbness and WeaknessRay (caller from Santa Ana) – Question about Rotator Cuff Tear Dr. Elain and Dr. Tong review the “Ferreiro Report.” Dr. Andrea...
Apr 16, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Sciatic Pain, Leg Pain, Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Weight Loss Mike (see #187 1/29/05, # 194 3/19/05, #198 4/23/05, #208 7/23/05 #225 7/14/07, RS 259 8/8/09 from Anaheim Hills, CA) suffered from sciatic pain for the last 9 months. He has been going to the...
May 22, 2004 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Breast Cancer, Chemotherapy, Bone Pain, Low Back Pain, Leukopenia, Dry Mouth Kay (see #158 6/19/04, #160 7/3/04 from San Diego, CA) is a 41 year old woman diagnosed with Inflammatory breast cancer 5 months ago. She was treated in the Cancer center in San Diego with 4...
Sep 9, 2000 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Nancy (from Hollywood) (see RS #28 4/7/01 PI 11/2/99 PI 3/24/00) – an automobile accident 30 years caused excruciating neck, shoulder, and lower back pain, as well as upper back pain causing weakness and numbness in her right arm. Neck Surgery was recommended...