Oct 5, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Compression Fracture of Spine, Generalized Pain (Back pain), Muscle Spasms Gerry (Costa Mesa, CA), This 81 year old retired copyrighter suffered from a compression fracture of the spine in 1998. She has experienced muscle spasms ever since. She consulted orthopedic...
Sep 28, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Herniated Disc in Neck, Shoulder Pain, Back pain, Hip Pain, Leg Pain, Diabetes Marilla (see #95 11-2-02, #102 1-11-03 from Irvine, CA) – This registered nurse has been suffering from neck pain for almost 10 years after injuring herself at work. She has had...
Dec 15, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Difficulty Walking from Injury, Polypharmacy, Depression (Mary retired) – Formerly worked in retirement home. Witnessed many over medicated people in her work and has been opposed to doctors medicating patients. Her son, 36 years old, has never been vaccinated...
Nov 10, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Extreme Fatigue, Foggy Mind, Shoulder Pain, Hip Pain, Dry Eyes, Chronic Hives, Depression, Digestive Problems, Post Nasal Drip (Kitty, originally from Baton Rouge, LA) – realtor who moved to San Diego 2 months ago and was referred to Dr. Tong by a friend....
Oct 20, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Severe Knee and Hip Pain, Heart Attacks, Breast Cancer, Allergies (Marie, see RS #61 12-15-01, from Glenwood, CA) – Former school teacher who has been confined to a wheelchair for ten years because of severe knee pain and hip pain. She also has a history of...