Sep 19, 2017 | Written Testimonials
May 6, 1992 To: Dr. Tong In 1980, I fell from my garage roof and injured my right hip, knee and foot. I also injured my lower back. In 1981, I had a second accident on the beach. A wave threw me head over heels and I landed on my face causing excessive muscle swelling...
Nov 28, 2014 | Written Testimonials
GOUT, KIDNEY STONES I woke up on Friday morning on August 4, 1995 and I immediately felt a gout attack starting in my left knee. I used to have these attacks frequently; even with medications, the attack lasted two to three weeks and sometimes spread to other joints. ...
Nov 12, 2014 | Written Testimonials
GOUT, KIDNEY STONES I woke up on Friday morning on August 4, 1995 and I immediately felt a gout attack starting in my left knee. I used to have these attacks frequently; even with medications, the attack lasted two to three weeks and sometimes spread to other joints. ...
Feb 2, 2009 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient has been suffering from gouty arthritis for many years. It causes an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness in his joints. He also has had ankles pain and foot pain for many years. Patient has also suffered with low back pain. He feels sluggish and it...