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Heart Disease & Bypass

MULTIPLE CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS SURGERIES In 1984 I had a triple bypass surgery and after that I had severe chest pains caused from nerve damage, we assumed. However, after Dr. Tong gave me an x-ray, we found that three of the five wires that were holding my sternum...

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

FAILED BACK SURGERY SYNDROME, DEPRESSION After 2 previous suicide attempts, I was seriously planning a third after another afternoon of writhing on the floor in pain, when I came upon an article regarding Dr. Tong’s treatments. For the first time in 26 years, I...


FOCAL MUSCULAR ATROPHY, BACK PAIN, PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY, HYPERTENSION, GLAUCOMA I first went to my primary physician Adrienne Drake, MD in September 1998 for an examination. At this time, I was experiencing severe pain in my back with a noticeable, deep indentation...

Respiratory Infections

COMMON COLD, CHEST, BACK PAIN I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to you for introducing me to the magnetic products. When I was in the office last Friday, I was experiencing some discomforts with a sore throat and chest, and lower back pain. The next day, I...


HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE & INSOMNIA   For approximately 26 years I have been taking medication for high blood pressure in ever increasing doses. The M.D. I was seeing at the time wanted to give me another medication in conjunction with the prinival I was already...
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