Mar 12, 2015 | YouTube Testimonials
Knee Pain, Surgery Avoidance, Asthma, Glaucoma, Vision Problems Delores was told by her doctor that she needed surgery in order to relieve her knee pain. She went to see Dr. Tong after deciding that she did not want to have knee surgery. After her first NBE treatment,...
Dec 10, 2014 | Written Testimonials
BASKETBALL INJURY C.C.-This 25 year old male suffered a knee injury from basketball. Despite having access to and treatments from professional trainers and physicians because of his work with former Laker Magic Johnson, he was unable to exercise for two years. NBE...
Nov 24, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Football Player with failed shoulder surgery after 1st NBE treatment. (RS #245...
Nov 17, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Severe Knee Injury, Neck Pain (Larry, see RS #1 9/9/00,#261 9/19/09 PI 8/31/99 from Newport Beach, CA) – This former Wimbledon contender consulted several doctors including orthopedic surgeons who recommended knee replacement surgery for a severe knee injury...
May 26, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Shoulder Pain, Decreased Range of Motion (John) Played softball and golf for years, developed excruciating shoulder pain, lost range of motion, could not lift weights, or even comb hair. Went to orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, took MRI’s,...