Aug 26, 2018 | Blog, Nutrition, Herbs, & Recipes
A member of a Chat group from Hong Kong asks: A friend has been diagnosed with early stage of prostate cancer (CA), and plan to have the robotic operation to remove his prostate at the HK Sanatorium. Is there a better option. YES. CA is merely the symptom. Removing it...
Aug 22, 2018 | Health & Spirit
A SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT FROM A SONG DYNASTY POEM 北宋蔡襄诗,南宋吴琚书 桥畔垂杨下碧溪, 君家元在北穚西. 来时不似人间世, 日暖花香山鸟啼. Hanging by the bridge is a Willow tree and below it, a turquoise stream; To the west of the North Bridge is the home of your dream. It seemed unlike an earthly setting...
Apr 20, 2018 | Blog, Nutrition, Herbs, & Recipes
Cancers, allergies, liver disease, autoimmunities, a new study showing young males lacking sperms, 80 million young female become infertile… a weaponized Frankenfood by the US against China and other countries. Fake news abound the food and pharmaceutical...
Apr 13, 2018 | Blog, PEMF, Energy Patches, Feng Shui & More
How to Capture the Heart of Your Dream Girl who Has Dating Phobia — A romance lesson for my son Jacin, a rooster who needs a hen to lay eggs for him My wife, ML, was scared stiff of dating boys in her younger days. When she was in grade school, a...
Apr 13, 2018 | Blog, 中文文章
嶺南校友新年联欢会Lifewave治疗贴片示范 I did a patching demo on a few people. Almost all got immediate relief. Everyone was amazing, chuckling in disbelief. The following comment is from Sikee Louie, 呂錫基學長: Amazing! I saw them (there were quite a few, my wife included) when the...
Mar 10, 2018 | Blog, Nutrition, Herbs, & Recipes
Updated June 2015 INTRODUCTION The subject of etiology is study of the origins of disease, the causative factors, in the body. Pathogenesis is the study of the actual processes within the body whereby disease occurs, develops and changes. One of the most central...