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嶺南校友新年联欢会Lifewave治疗贴片示范 I did a patching demo on a few people. Almost all got immediate relief. Everyone was amazing, chuckling in disbelief. The following comment is from Sikee Louie, 呂錫基學長: Amazing!  I saw them (there were quite a few, my wife included) when the...


一首宋代诗歌给我的心灵启示 桥畔垂杨下碧溪, 君家元在北穚西. 来时不似人间世, 日暖花香山鸟啼. To see photos, click here. I wrote the poem below to celebrate the completion of our koi pond. The first four lines describe the enhancing principles of the 5-elements: metal melts into liquid, water nourishes wood,...
The Vaccine Scam

The Vaccine Scam

Link Between Increasing Rate of Pediatric Cancers and Childhood Vaccines Death by Lethal Vaccine Injection === 2018/iowa-teen-dies-three-weeks-after-being-injected-with-hpv-gardasil-vaccine/ HPV is used to prevent cancer of the cervix — and boys have not...
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