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(714) 556-8664

Leg Pain, Lipoma, Back Pain, Candida, Chronic Fatigue, Tinea, Skin Lesions

Cheri (see RS #13 12-16-00, RS #20 2-10-01, RS #43 7-28-01, RS #79 5-18-02, RS #95 11-2-02, RS #161 7-10-04, RS #164 8-7-04 #285 6-25-11 #359 3-29-14, #361 4-12-2014) presented with leg pain extending into her back, due to lipomas in her leg. The tumors appeared after a hysterectomy in 1999. She also suffers from candida which causes immense abdominal and intestinal bloating. She has experienced extreme fatigue. She also has tinea pedis of her left foot and toe. She started developing primary skin lesions all over her body at a young age which included macules, nevi, and skin tags. With the NBE treatment, she has noticed much improvement in her leg and is feeling gradually better.

Excessive Sweating, Fear 

Mark suffers from excessive sweating and feeling warm all of the time. He is constantly thirsty and always has to drink a lot of fluids. His body temperature is lower than usual. He has the air conditioning on even if it’s 60 degree outside. He also has a fear of challenges and problems. He feels fear when he does not have the answer to his problems. With 3 NBE treatments, his sweating has stopped to a certain degree.

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664