Feb 13, 2010 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Neck Pain, Back pain, Bilateral Arthritis Hand Pain, Leg Pain, Bilateral Feet Pain, Rash, Sleeping Problems, Thyroid Disease Dru is from Carlsbad, Ca. She owns her own business and has been very active due to her business. She suffered from very severe asthma due to...
Aug 11, 2007 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews, Testimonial Evidence
Leg Lymphedema, Low Back Pain, Sciatic Pain, Difficulty Falling Asleep, Thyroid Disease, Endometrial Cancer Ruth (see #360 4-5-2014) has right leg lymphedema secondary to a hysterectomy and removal of her lymph nodes. She has pain and discomfort in her leg which feels...
Aug 31, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Wilson’s Disease, Adrenal Insufficiency, Adrenal Collapse, Sleep Disorder, Debilitation, Muscle Weakness, Chronic Recurrent Infections, Vertigo, Anxiety, Chronic Depression, Migraines, Constipation, Chronic Fatigue (Ellen, see #27...
May 5, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Depression (Dorothy Irene, Joanne’s mother-see RS #31 4-28-01) – Diagnosed with Dementia, Alzheimer’s. Had Depression and Lack of Motivation before seeing Dr. Tong Depression, Type 2 Diabetes, Pulmonary Hypertension,...