Mar 1, 2014 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Nancy Eric ( RS 343 9/14/13 , 352 1/4/14 , YT Part 1, YT Part 2 ) Play in new window |...
Jan 25, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
With a history of a mini stroke, Eric was prescribed 6 different high blood pressure medications at the same time. Although Eric attempted to make healthier choices in diet and exercise to his life, he still noticed the negative effects from all of the...
Jan 20, 2012 | YouTube Testimonials
Celso had a stroke 17 years ago. He was in a coma for 18 days. After the stroke, his right side of the body became paralyzed. He was having trouble walking, he had no balance and he would run out of breath. He was also having dialysis three times a week, three...
Nov 27, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient has a history of stroke and has been partially paralyzed on the right side. After the NBE treatment, he feels much stronger, and has increased mobility. (RS #238...
Nov 25, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient suffers from numbness on the tips of his fingers and toes. He has a hard time balancing himself while standing on his feet as a result of a mild stroke in 2003. After the NBE treatment, his memory and appetite have improved, his balance is...