Dec 24, 2011 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Dawn (RS #306 8/11/12 ) Talks About Son Theo ( YT ) Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Difficulty Walking, Anxiety Mike Insomnia, Right Shoulder Pain, Back Pain Play in new window |...
Dec 17, 2011 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Di Carpal Tunnel, Degenerative Disc, Shingles, Anxiety (RS #236 11/10/07, #336 6/29/13 , #345 10/5/13, #363 4/26/2014, YT ) Toni Flu, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain Play in new window |...
Jan 2, 2010 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Dave (RS #266 11/14/09 , YT) suffers from Plantar Faschiittis for the past 2-3 years. He also has struggled with clinical depression for 20 years. After taking medication for seven years the medication lost its effectiveness. He also had to double the dosages to gain...
Jul 18, 2009 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Low back pain, Sleep difficulty, L Hip Pain Junella has a holistic medical practice and is a colleague of Dr. Tong’s. Her mother Alice had suffered from low back pain for a very long time. She tried acupuncture, Chinese herbs and yoga to no permanent relief. She also...
Mar 12, 2009 | YouTube Testimonials
31 year-old patient is experiencing pain in his lower back, neck, and shoulders for many years. Patient has also been experiencing panic disorders since he was 21 years old. His symptoms include sudden attacks of fear and nervousness, as well as physical...