Nov 8, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Chronic Shoulder Pain, Chronic Renal Failure, Diabetes, Hepatits C Gary (see #138 11-1-03, from Sherman Oaks) For ten years, Gary went to many doctors, including holistic, western, and acupuncturists. He spent a lot of time and money trying to heal himself, but would...
Jul 5, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Lower Extremity Pain, Left Foot Pain, Right Foot Pain, Swelling of Feet, Tendonitis, Arthritis, Asthma, Extreme Grief, Depression Venette (from Westerminster, CA) This writer suffered from over ten years of tendonitis and severe lower extremity pain after breaking...
Jun 14, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Linda (caller from Scottsdale, AZ) – This Registered Nurse heard Dr. Tong’s radio show while she was driving down from Sacramento and spent one day observing Dr. Tong treating his patients. She describes how his method of treatment is superior to the...
Jun 7, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Low Back Pain, Left Hip Pain, Sciatic Pain, Numbness, Constipation, Hearing Problems, Ankle Pain, Neck and Shoulder Pain, Swollen Ankles, Heart Problems, Hypertension, Bronchitis Jim (see #100 12-14-02, #107 2-22-03 #139 11-8-03, #150 3-6-04, #181 12-11-04, #212...
May 24, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Rotator Cuff Injury, Vertigo Craig (from Indiana) is a retired airline pilot who knew of Dr. Tong’s treatment 15 years ago when he was treating his wife, Judy for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome. Craig suffered from a left rotator cuff injury 10 years ago. He had...