Jun 16, 2007 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews, Testimonial Evidence
Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Fatigue, Lactose Intolerance, Asthma Steve (RS #1 9/9/00 #91 9/21/02 #156 5/22/04 #197 4/16/05 #357 3/15/14 YT Video PI 3/17/00) has been receiving the NBE Treatment for over 20 years. He has degenerative discs in his neck but did not...
Jun 9, 2007 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews, Testimonial Evidence
Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Arm Pain, Mid-Back Pain, Menstrual Cramps Jessica (see RS #3 9-23-00 RS #357 3-15-14) suffered from mid and low back pain for many years. She injured her right shoulder, neck, and arm. The pain was also in the front of her neck and in her...
Oct 8, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Throat and Esophageal Cancer, Headaches, Insomnia, Neck pain and Swelling, Bedbound Buspar’s husband has been suffering from throat cancer which was diagnosed in 2003. He was treated at UCLA medical center and went through chemotherapy, radiation, and surgical...
Oct 1, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Lois (see #207 7-2-05, from Pheonix, Arizona) had 2 operations for back pain. After her first surgery, her back herniated again 6 years later. She went for her second surgery and subsequently had even more pain in her back hips and legs....
Aug 27, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Sciatic Pain, Hives, Itching Jackie (see # 100 12-14-02, #107 2-22-03, #121 6-7-03, #139 11-8-03, #212 8-20-05 from Lakewood, Retired) went to chiropractors for severe sciatic pain, which she had for a year. Her pain was so bad that she had to crawl on her hands and...