Sep 6, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Shortness of Breath, Cough, Mucus, Lower Back Pain, Acid Reflux, Nocturia Betty (from South Dakota, see #133 8-30-03) – Follow up from last week – Betty can walk even faster and longer without shortness of breath. She is at...
Jan 18, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Colon Cancer, Chemotherapy, Right Sciatic Pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Leg Pain, Foot Pain, Brain Fog, Fatigue/Low Energy Gloria (see # 105 2-1-03, from San Diego, CA) This homemaker was diagnosed with colon cancer two years ago and subsequently underwent surgery...
Jan 4, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Degenerative Disc, Low Back Pain, Right Shoulder Pain, Constant high pitch tone in ears, Sinus and Eustachian Tube problems, Depression, Nocturia Eric (see #99 12-7-02, from Irvine, CA) – Follow-up interview:Thank you for your work on me today, Dr. Tong. Per...
May 4, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Vertigo, Neck Pain, Depression (Sandy from Huntington Beach) This real estate agent suffered from her first episode of severe vertigo three years ago. She became so dizzy that she could not lay down. After a few days, her symptoms passed and did not recur until a year...
Jul 11, 2000 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
20 YEARS OF SEVERE HIP PAIN, ANGER, DEPRESSION, ESTROGEN REPLACEMENT THERAPY Marilyn (Part 2) – Continued from above, Marilyn continues to improve from Dr. Tong’s treatment (see RS #4 9/30/00)...