Sep 13, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Scleroderma, CREST syndrome, Fatigue, Weight Loss, Infections, Gangrenous Finger Doreen (from West Covina) – Doreen was diagnosed with scleroderma almost 10 years ago when she was 17 years old. She was getting infections in her fingers, her skin was becoming...
Aug 9, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Headaches, Stomach Acid, Hemorrhoids, Nocturia, Heart Problems, Fatigue, Hearing Problems Claude (retired, from Redlands, CA) For the last 3 months, Claude experienced pain in his left side, causing him to have ear pain, neck pain, and severe headaches. He consulted...
Jul 5, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Lower Extremity Pain, Left Foot Pain, Right Foot Pain, Swelling of Feet, Tendonitis, Arthritis, Asthma, Extreme Grief, Depression Venette (from Westerminster, CA) This writer suffered from over ten years of tendonitis and severe lower extremity pain after breaking...
May 31, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Restless Leg Syndrome, Back Pain, Nocturia, Astigmatism, Stronger Immunity Edgar (see #116 5-3-03) came to the United States from the Phillipines 3 years ago. The stress of finding a job and adjusting to living in a new country caused him to develop Restless Leg...
Apr 5, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Neck Pain, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Fatigue, Anxiety, Depression, Lack of Concentration, Forgetfulness, Low Libido, High cholesterol, Low Immune System, Chest Pain, Sinus problems, Allergies, Hypothyroid, Dizziness, Headache, Post-menopausal symptoms, Hormone...