Feb 14, 2004 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Osteoporosis, GERD, Digestive Problems, Generalized Pain (Marilyn, from Woodland Hills) – In June 2003, Marilyn was diagnosed with osteoporosis and was prescribed with Fosamax. Two hours later, her entire digestive system was thrown off. She lost 20 pounds in...
Feb 9, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Torn Meniscus (Jeff, from Antelope Valley, Real Estate Agent and Family Grocery Business) Two and a half months ago, Jeff was scheduled for a right knee surgery for a torn meniscus. He had consulted an orthopedic surgeon who told him that either he undergo surgery, or...
Dec 8, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Stomach Bleeding, Anemia, Hepatitis C, Edema, Esophogeal Reflux, Itching, Gallstones, Vertigo, Diarrhea, Cramps, Difficulty Swallowing (Barbara, see RS #55 10-27-01, RS #57 11-10-01, RS #64 1-19-02, from Orange County, CA) – Follow-up interview. Suffered from a...
Dec 1, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Pain and Polyuria from Prostatitis, Extreme Cold Intolerance, Profuse Sweating, Severe Depression, Mood Swings, Sweet Craving, Chronic Fatigue (Daud, see RS #5 10-7-00, RS #25 3-17-01, RS #152 3-20-04 RS #358 3/22/14 RS #269 12-26-09 #314 11/3/12, #320 12/29/12 ,...
Oct 27, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Severe Bleeding, Anemia, Hepatitis C, Edema, Esophageal Reflux, Itching, Gallstones, Vertigo, Diarrhea (Barbara, see RS #57 11-10-01, RS #60 12-8-01, RS #64 1-19-02 from Orange County, CA – Semi-retired, doing computer work) Suffered from a myriad of problems...