Aug 9, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Headaches, Stomach Acid, Hemorrhoids, Nocturia, Heart Problems, Fatigue, Hearing Problems Claude (retired, from Redlands, CA) For the last 3 months, Claude experienced pain in his left side, causing him to have ear pain, neck pain, and severe headaches. He consulted...
Jan 19, 2002 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Stomach Bleeding, Anemia, Hepatitis C, Edema, Esophogeal Reflux, Itching, Gallstones, Vertigo, Diarrhea, Cramps, Difficulty Swallowing Barbara (see #55 10-27-01, see #57 11-10-01 see #60 12-8-01, ) Suffered from a myriad of problems including bleeding from the...
Oct 27, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Severe Bleeding, Anemia, Hepatitis C, Edema, Esophageal Reflux, Itching, Gallstones, Vertigo, Diarrhea (Barbara, see RS #57 11-10-01, RS #60 12-8-01, RS #64 1-19-02 from Orange County, CA – Semi-retired, doing computer work) Suffered from a myriad of problems...