Jun 20, 2009 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Ethel (RS #332 5/18/13 ) suffered from emotional and sexual abuse that started at the age of 5 or 6 that lasted for about 10 years. She started experiencing bouts of confusion, lack of trust, and anger and was subsequently placed in a psych hospital for almost a...
Jun 6, 2009 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Rash on Bilateral Hands, Neck pain, Leg Pain, Hip Pain, Stress Erika ( YT Part 1, YT Part 2 )lives in Santa Ana, Ca. She had a painful rash on both hands for four years and could not keep her job as a physical therapist. She also had pain in other areas of her body...
Mar 12, 2009 | YouTube Testimonials
31 year-old patient is experiencing pain in his lower back, neck, and shoulders for many years. Patient has also been experiencing panic disorders since he was 21 years old. His symptoms include sudden attacks of fear and nervousness, as well as physical...
Mar 12, 2009 | YouTube Testimonials
This 35 year old physical therapist began having chronic pain from Arthritis about 6-7 years ago. She has been experiencing pain in her neck, left hip, left leg, forearm, and right shoulder. She has had rashes on both hands for the past 4 years and is unable to...
Mar 1, 2009 | YouTube Testimonials
This 35 year old physical therapist began having chronic pain from Arthritis about 6-7 years ago. She also has been experiencing pain in her neck, left hip, left leg, forearm, and right shoulder. She has had rashes on both hands for the past 4 years and is...