Sep 29, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Diabetes, Fatigue, Light-headedness (Benny, see RS #65 1-26-02,from San Diego) – Electrician who has been diabetic for 10 years. He has low energy, shakiness, headaches, allergies, depression, elevated liver enzyme, bloating, and constipation. He used to be very...
Jul 7, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Anxiety, Panic Attacks (Holly, from Indiana, see RS #39 6-30-01) – Continuation from last week. Suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. Was prescribed natural hormones by her doctor, 9 days later she walked with a heart monitor for 2 blocks and her heart rate...
Jun 9, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Depression, Anxiety (Jeanne from Laguna Niguel) – Diagnosed with fibromyalgia, arthritis, depression, and anxiety last year. Consulted regular doctors, alternative doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and...
Feb 17, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Robert (Caller) – Brother diagnosed with Multiple System Atrophy Val and Steve (from England) – Panic Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Extreme Drug Withdrawal Symptoms from 16 years of Xanax and Valium Alicia (see RS #18 1-27-01, RS #22 2-24-01, RS #29...
Jan 20, 2001 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Henry (see RS#23 3/3/01 PI 6/11/99 PI 7/29/99 PI 5/17/00) – Tennis player, diagnosed with osteoarthritis, Low back pain, Compressed vertebrae, Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Fear, Fatigue, Insomnia, Bone spurs in elbow (prolotherapy) Tammy (see RS #2 9/16/00, RS #7...