Aug 2, 2008 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Shoulder Pain, Hamstring Pain, Limited Range of Motion, Wrist Pain, Chest Pain, Knee Pain, Rash on Neck, Dry Skin Armon ( YT ) has sustained right shoulder and hamstring pain from a football injury. The pain flares up whenever he runs. Running also aggravates his...
Jul 26, 2008 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Chronic Low Back Pain, Leiomyosarcoma, Enlarged Prostate, Frequent Urination, Numbness in Fingers Steve (RS# 252 1/10/09 YT ) has had chronic low back pain since 2005. He also has history of Leiomyosarcoma currently in remission. He also has an enlarged prostate for...
Jun 7, 2008 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Systemic Lupus (SLE), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bipolar Disorder, Asthma, Chronic pain, Hypertension, Seizures, Eczema, Glaucoma, Endometriosis, Insomnia, Hair loss, Stroke, Heart Attacks (Darlene is a repeat guest. Follow her story, see Radio Show #242 –...
Apr 26, 2008 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Systemic Lupus (SLE), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bipolar Disorder, Asthma, Chronic pain, Hypertension, Seizures, Eczema, Glaucoma, Endometriosis, Insomnia, Hair loss, Stroke, Heart Attacks (Follow Darlene’s story, see Radio Show #243 – 06/07/2008) Darlene is...
Jan 12, 2008 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Arm Pain, Shoulder Pain, Low Back Pain, Acid Reflux, Hives, Dizziness, Vertigo Eddie lives in Las Vegas, NV and traveled to CA to receive treatment from Dr. Tong. He has suffered from moderate to severe low back pain for the past 20 years. He also has shoulder pain...