Jan 11, 2019 | Blog, Health & Spirit
Chinese scientists spend billions of dollar to build a super MRI brain-scan in search of the soul (mind/spirit) to help diagnose and treat Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disorders.[1] This costly task will fail as I shall prove. Ironically, Chinese medicine (TCM) is...
Dec 23, 2018 | Blog, PEMF, Energy Patches, Feng Shui & More
Improving blood circulation and O2 can prevent all kinds of disorders, including heart disease, diabetes, strokes, cancers, etc. The photos below are from dark field exam of Dr. Maynard’s blood. He has had four heart attacks because of poor circulation despite regular...
Nov 25, 2018 | Blog, Health & Spirit
Degenerative ailments such as Muscular Dystrophy (MD) and heart disease are becoming common. Below are news clips from Sing Tao Daily: one on patients with MD asking Chief Executive of Hong Kong to help on drugs, which could cost over 6 millions annually, but would...