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(714) 556-8664

Type II Diabetes, Flesh Eating Bacteria, and Neuropathy in Feet and Legs, High Blood Pressure, Left foot/toes amputated, Headaches, Sleep Difficulty

Rick (YT) has struggled with type II diabetes and has neuropathy in both legs and feet for the past 10 years.  After six treatments with Dr. Tong, the pain in his legs. Rick had been relieved from pain but three months later went to the general hospital for an ulcer, the doctors put him on antibiotics which caused the pain to return in his legs and feet.  He returned to Dr. Tong’s office, after his treatment, he regained sensation in both lower extremities. He also complained of headaches daily and was on medication. After the NBE treatments he was able to go without medication for headaches and sleep a lot better.

Intestinal Cancer, Constipation, Vomiting, Low Back Pain, Osteoporosis, Sleep Difficulty, Post Menopausal, Depression, Yeast Infections

Carol (RS #293 1/14/2012#360 4-5-2014) was diagnosed with intestinal cancer and had a section of her intestine removed. Due to her digestive problems, she has been suffering from years of constipation and vomiting.  Prior to Dr. Tong’s treatments, Carol felt depressed and had difficulty sleeping as well as low back pain.  She was also prone to yeast infections.  After her first three treatments her depression was gone, her intestinal problems resolved and digestive problems decreased.

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664