Dec 1, 2014 | Written Testimonials
ENDOMETRIOSIS, PMS I suffered from severe PMS symptoms and was diagnosed with adenomyosis and endometriosis by professors at USC and UCLA. I had laparoscopies and laser treatments. I tried GNRH agonists and Lupron, birth control pills and Provera, but they put me in a...
Nov 28, 2014 | Written Testimonials
LUPUS, BACK PAIN, SHINGLES I would like to know why it is taking so long to get reimbursed for the money I have spent on treatments by Dr. Tong. I signed up with your insurance because you are a three-tiered program. I was told that with the third tier, I could go...
Nov 12, 2014 | Written Testimonials
ENDOMETRIOSIS, PMS I suffered from severe PMS symptoms and was diagnosed with adenomyosis and endometriosis by professors at USC and UCLA. I had laparoscopies and laser treatments. I tried GNRH agonists and Lupron, birth control pills and Provera, but they put me in a...