Apr 30, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Stomach pain/acid, Mirror Image Bowel, SyndromeFibromyalgia, Back pain, Hand pain Tanya (see #144 12-13-03, #146 2-7-04, #199 4-30-05, from Temecula) is a 36 year-old housewife who had to quit her job where she worked as a technician in a...
Nov 27, 2004 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Kenny (caller from Irvine, CA) – Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue SyndromeMigraines, TMJ, Neck and Shoulder Pain, Endometriosis Maureen (Kenny’s, above, husband) from Irvine, CA suffered from severe headaches for the last 12 years. She was initially diagnosed...
Feb 7, 2004 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Chronic Back Pain, Neck Pain, Shortness of Breath, Fear, Anxiety Arthur (see #106 2-8-03, #109 3-8-03, from Escondido, CA) Art has suffered from chronic back pain for eight years. He also has problems breathing. He has had neck pain for several months from a car...
Dec 13, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Osteoarthritis-hip, thigh, and back pain, Heart Murmur, Diabetes, Psoriasis, Hyperpigmentation Fran had a problem with her back since she fell 9 years ago. She has been either in a wheelchair (7-8 years), walker, or cane. Two months ago, the pain was so severe that...