Nov 29, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient has been receiving the NBE Treatment for over 20 years. He was has degenerative discs in his neck but did not experience pain until he was involved in an automobile accident over 20 years ago which led to severe neck and back pain. Subsequently, he became...
Nov 29, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient describes her experience with the NBE treatment. She has low back pain chronically for the past year. The Sciatic and leg pain on her left side began about the same time. She has difficulty walking and sitting and needs a cane to walk. She has...
Nov 29, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient describes her experience with the NBE treatment in Vietnamese. She suffered from Low Back Pain and required a cane to walk for 6 months. She has intermittent neck pain due to bulging disc at c-5 for about 10 years. She also has shoulder and arm pain....
Nov 28, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient has had Low Back Pain for the past 20 years from an injury in a car accident. She has left side sciatic nerve pain that begins in her buttocks and goes down to her heel. She has anxiety and worries all of the time. After the NBE treatment, the pain is...
Nov 28, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient has had chronic low back pain and hip pain for the past 8 years. All her joints hurt mostly in the hips. After one NBE treatment her back pain improved immediately....