Aug 13, 2011 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Heel Spur, Sleep Apnea, Mental Fatigue Joyce (RS #7 10/28/00, RS #13 12/16/00, RS #248 11/8/08, RS #283 5/14/11) has been suffering from a painful bone spur in her heel which made it very difficult for her to walk or stand for several years. She consulted a...
May 14, 2011 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Migraines, Back Pain, Stress Steve and Annette complain of symptoms of Migraines, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Sleep Apnea, and Stress. Sleep Apnea, Bone Spurs, Sweet Cravings, Neuropathy Joyce (RS #7 10/28/00, RS #13 12/16/00, RS #248 11/8/08, #286 8/13/11) suffers with...
Feb 26, 2009 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient has had lower back pain for the past 15 years from giving birth to her 3rd child. She also has fluctuating levels of energy and has been feeling depressed for many years. She cries and is easily irritable. She feels weak on the left side and has had...
Nov 8, 2008 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Forgetfulness Herman ( RS #332 9/8/07, YT ) suffered from injury causing constant pain and tightness in his neck and shoulder. He also has constant pain in his right hand and both wrists. He has cramping on the bottom of both feet...
Sep 11, 2004 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Low Back Pain, Digestive Problems, Acid Reflux, GERD, Migraine Headaches Maria, (see #180 12-4-04, #184 1-1-05 originally from Mexico City works at a pharmaceutical company. She started experiencing low back pain and acid reflux three months ago. No matter what she...