Apr 19, 2014 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Janet- (see #296 2-25-2012) Chronic Pain, Spinal Stenosis, Sleeping Problems Bruce- (see #240 12-15-2007, #294 1-21-2012) Motor Vehicle Accident, Paralyzed Vocal Chords, Hand Pain, Sleeping Problems, Chiropractor Visits, Stress Isela- (see #352 1-4-14, #330 5-4-13,...
Feb 12, 2012 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Richard (RS #303 7/14/12, #362 4/19/2014) – Back pain, high blood pressure, leg cramps, foot cramps, asthma, knee pain, tennis elbow Rita (RS #338 8/3/13, #361 4/12/2014, YT) – Depression, anxiety, arm pain, sleep disorders, Hepititis-C...
Dec 10, 2008 | YouTube Testimonials
Patient suffered from injury causing constant pain and tightness in his neck and shoulder. He also has constant pain in his right hand and both wrists. He has cramping on the bottom of both feet occasionally. He has difficulty tilting his head to look up. He...
Oct 13, 2007 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Hypothyroidism, Cramping & Numbness in Left Leg and Foot, Hip Pain, Headaches, Constipation, Stress Algean (RS #282 5/7/11, #363 4/26/2014) gets occasional cramping in her left foot and numbness in her left leg. She has had pain in her left hip that sometimes...
Jun 9, 2007 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews, Testimonial Evidence
Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Arm Pain, Mid-Back Pain, Menstrual Cramps Jessica (see RS #3 9-23-00 RS #357 3-15-14) suffered from mid and low back pain for many years. She injured her right shoulder, neck, and arm. The pain was also in the front of her neck and in her...