Aug 24, 2013 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Rob – Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Allergies, Candida Olga – Depression Lori – Neck Pain, Obesity Play in new window |...
Aug 2, 2008 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Shoulder Pain, Hamstring Pain, Limited Range of Motion, Wrist Pain, Chest Pain, Knee Pain, Rash on Neck, Dry Skin Armon ( YT ) has sustained right shoulder and hamstring pain from a football injury. The pain flares up whenever he runs. Running also aggravates his...
Sep 8, 2007 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Fibromyalgia, Interstitial Cystitis, Depression, Sinus Congestion, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Foot Pain, Brain Fog, Sleep Apnea, Weight Loss (Follow Dixie’s story, see RS #245 8/2/08 RS #359 3/29/14 YT Part 1, YT Part 2) Dixie suffers from fibromyalgia, interstitial...
Oct 22, 2005 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Insomnia, Hearing Loss, Brain Fog, Memory Loss, Low Back Pain, Rash on Arms, Fatigue Ophelia (from LA County) suffered from insomnia for the past 3 years. She also had hearing loss in her right ear and she felt that her body was deteriorating. She had a severe brain...
Jan 18, 2003 | Radio Shows & Patient Interviews
Colon Cancer, Chemotherapy, Right Sciatic Pain, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Leg Pain, Foot Pain, Brain Fog, Fatigue/Low Energy Gloria (see # 105 2-1-03, from San Diego, CA) This homemaker was diagnosed with colon cancer two years ago and subsequently underwent surgery...