Oct 31, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
Pia first came to us in May 2014 severe low back pain, depression, bowel obstruction, and digestive problems. After one NBE treatment, her pain went away and she experienced a decrease in digestive problems. She was feeling more energized and no longer feeling...
Oct 30, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
Pia has experienced depression for most of her life. After a work injury, she developed back pain. Neither chiropractic nor physical therapy helped to relieve her of pain. She was prescribed a great amount of painkillers and muscle relaxers. Pia’s depression...
Aug 15, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sbRc4S2ESE Rita has been a patient of Dr. Tong’s for about 2 years and has had several treatments for pain and other ailments since her initial visit. Recently, she has been suffering from anxiety and severe depression. Within as...
Jul 16, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
Barbara has suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in both wrists for many decades of her life. Her wrists were numb and she would get a sharp, shooting pain at least once a day. She has tried a variety of methods including wearing wrist braces, having cortisone...
Jul 15, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
Donna and Barbara share how the NBE treatment has helped them gain a more meaningful and pain-free life! Shoulder Pain, Right Hip Pain/Bursitis, Severe Anxiety Donna first came to see Dr. Tong for the pain she was having in her left shoulder, which used to...