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(714) 556-8664

Bilateral Knee Pain, Hypothyroid Problems, Cold hand, Cold feet, Lump in R side Groin

Betty ( RS 320 12/29/12 ) is from Mission Viejo, Ca and is 71 years old, very active lifestyle did water aerobics. After living with knee problems for fifteen years she tried chiropractic treatments but did not receive any improvements. She has only had one NBE treatment and after this treatment she feels no pain and does not have a clicking noise in the knees. She has struggled with cold hands and feet all her life, after her first treatment she does not have cold hands and feet. She takes her temperature in the morning and has a higher temperature. After her NBE treatment she feels happier and lighter. Betty also discovered a lump in her right groin area. After her first treatment the lump instantly disappeared. Emotionally she feels lighter and happier.

Plantar Faschiittis, Depression, Anxiety

Dave ( RS #270 1/2/10 , YT  ) suffers from Plantar Faschiittis for the past 2-3 years. He also has struggled with clinical depression for 20 years. After taking medication for seven years the medication lost its effectiveness. He also had to double the dosages to gain any effective. He realized he did not feel any emotions from taking medication. He suffered many losses and felt like he was having a nervous breakdown. After his first treatment with NBE he felt emotionally lighter. He also was rid of foot pain after his first treatment.

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664