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(714) 556-8664

Acute Chemical Exposure, Headache, Itching throat, Itching Eyes

Maria (see #168 9-11-04, #183 1-1-05) came back to receive treatments from Dr. Tong after being exposed to chemical solvents at work. She developed severe headache as well as itching throat and eyes. After 2 treatments her symptoms were completely gone.


Rose (from La Habra, CA) has been diagnosed with possible glaucoma. Before coming to see Dr. Tong the pressure in her eyes were 19 and 20. After 8 treatments with Dr. Tong, she went to her ophthalmologist, and discovered that the pressure in her eyes dropped to 13 and 14. 

Don (caller) – question about Parkinson’s

Atherosclerosis, Chest Pain, Dyspnea on Exertion, Knee Pain

Arthur is a 71 year old male who was recommended triple bypass surgery in 1989 for which he refused. For the past 15 years, he has tried to look for different alternatives instead of bypass surgery. He had chest pain and could not exert himself or exercise without pain. In the last 4 years, Arthur also started to develop knee pain. After 2 treatments with Dr. Tong, his chest pain has decreased significantly. He can now swim without chest pain and his knee pain is gone. He will continue treatments with Dr. Tong.

Ron (caller) – question about Chemical Exposure/Chemical Sensitivity

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