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(714) 556-8664

Post Herpetic Neuralgia

LUPUS, BACK PAIN, SHINGLES I would like to know why it is taking so long to get reimbursed for the money I have spent on treatments by Dr. Tong. I signed up with your insurance because you are a three-tiered program. I was told that with the third tier, I could go...

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

INFERTILITY I have been going through infertility treatments and procedures for 3 years. After 3 previous unsuccessful attempts at Invitro fertilization, I came to see Dr. Tong. I was planning my fourth and final attempt to get pregnant. I believe Dr. tong’s...

Pulmonary Fibrosis

ASTHMA, RADICULAR ARM PAIN This is the second time in a year Dr. Tong has treated my asthma and I have to say I really thank God for him because if I didn’t find a doctor like him, maybe I wouldn’t be around these days. His treatment has given me immediate...

Radicular Pain

SCIATICA I came from Oklahoma on the recommendation of my son, who was a patient of Dr. Tong in 1985. He was disabled from open heart surgery with severe pain in his chest. Dr. Tong helped him so much that he was able to return to work. I had severe pain in my right...


INFECTED THUMB I came to Dr. Tong with an infected left thumb. It was red, tender, and swollen. He gave me shots, and it was completely better by the next day. Three months earlier, this same thumb was infected and a different doctor gave me shots and took half the...
Call Us Today (714) 556-8664