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Liver Transplant

LIVER TRANSPLANT AVOIDANCE CONSULTATION REPORT from UCLA liver transplant team Date of Consultation: 11-16-94 Reason for Consultation: Evaluation for possible orthotopic liver transplantation. History of Present Illness: The patient is a 43 year old man with chronic...

Lupus and other Collagen Vascular Diseases

LUPUS, BACK PAIN, SHINGLES I would like to know why it is taking so long to get reimbursed for the money I have spent on treatments by Dr. Tong. I signed up with your insurance because you are a three-tiered program. I was told that with the third tier, I could go...

Manic Depressive Syndrome

MANIC DEPRESSIVE SYNDROME I began treatments with Dr. Tong three months after having a nervous breakdown.  My breakdown was largely caused by job stress, work overload, and poor working conditions.  At the same time, I was also experiencing severe spasms in my neck,...


HEADACHES, ACUTE SINUSITIS, BACK PROBLEMS, AND SHINGLES I have heard Medicare may ban nerve blocks from treatments they pay for. I am a senior citizen that must depend on Medicare for help. I became a patient of Dr. Tong in 1988, and found the only relief from Chronic...


MYELODYSPLASIA Much more energy even though I am very anemic. My symptoms (low energy, ringing in the ears, plateletes, etc.)  have all diminished substantially since I started treatment two weeks ago… I feel that I finally have a doctor who understands my...
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