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Dear Dr. Tong:

When I was referred to your office for treatment of severe pain in my shoulders and upper arms, I was not a believer of acupuncture, but other treatments with medication and chiropractic treatments had not helped.
I had severe pain in my shoulder joints and upper arms–many days I could not comb my hair or dress in the mornings without wondering if life were worth living. The chiropractic treatment had been a temporary relief for a few hours. The acupuncture was not painful as I expected. The first injection, as you may recall, was very painful, but I had immediate relief for several hours. Later injections were less painful as the overall pain diminished. Dr. Tong’s treatments with his machine was very valuable, as well as Dr. Qi’s acupuncture and massage. Their attitude of caring for me as a person, as well as yours, was welcomed.
My shoulders have stiffness which makes me recall the severe pain which I had before, but my mental attitude has completely changed as the pain disappeared.
One of the nicer aspects of your office is the friendliness and caring attitude of Jane, Marlene, and Cher. The testimonials of your patients in the waiting room also gave me confidence in your treatment. You all seemed concerned about my welfare.
If you wish, you can give my phone number to any of your new patients who need a recommendation of your office, 421-5539.

Dorthy J. A.

16 - Dr Tong Arm Pain Testimonial Letter







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