Nov 5, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
After William’s first NBE treatment, he is relieved from his back and shoulder pain. He was able to work overhead for 8+ hours. He also had improvements in his prostate and sleeping problems. He went from urinating 5 times/night to 2 times/night, and noticed...
Nov 5, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
Christine has been experiencing insomnia for two years now. She has an average of 4 hours of sleep per night causing her to be extremely fatigue and grumpy during the day. She has been taking xanax for the past two years and recently been taking Nyquil, both of...
Nov 5, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
Stephen has been a patient of Dr. Tong’s for about 30 years now. He first came to Dr. Tong for his back pain after he was not able to obtain any pain relief from his physicians. His back pain prevented him from many of his daily activities and work duties. After NBE...
Nov 4, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
Brick has had asthma for his whole life. He experiences difficulty in breathing as well as feeling fatigue all the time. After his first NBE treatment, Brick had an increase in energy and felt more alert. He notices that he is able to breathe much easier. In addition,...
Nov 3, 2014 | YouTube Testimonials
Una has been suffering from fibromyalgia for about 13 years. She experienced excruciating pain throughout her whole body. She was no longer able to work or perform any activities due to her condition. After Una’s first NBE treatment, her whole body pain has greatly...