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(714) 556-8664

Stephen has been a patient of Dr. Tong’s for about 30 years now.  He first came to Dr. Tong for his back pain after he was not able to obtain any pain relief from his physicians.  His back pain prevented him from many of his daily activities and work duties. After NBE treatments, he was relieved of his back pain and noticed an increase in energy.

On one occasion, Stephen came to see Dr. Tong for a horrible encounter with food poisoning.  Stephen felt much better after treatment, and was able to gain an appetite an hour later. Stephen has also been treated for his lactose intolerance.  After 3-4 NBE treatments, he was able to eat dairy without any negative effects.

In addition, Stephen has had asthma for most of his life, which required him to use an inhaler all the time.  After NBE treatments, he states that he has not used his inhaler for almost three years now.  Over the years, Stephen has been coming in for the flu, cold, ear infection, and sore throat. He obtains immediate relief after 1 treatment.


Call Us Today (714) 556-8664