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(714) 556-8664

Herman (RS #248 11/8/08  YTsuffered from injury causing constant pain and tightness in his neck and shoulder. He also has constant pain in his right hand and both wrists. He has cramping on the bottom of both feet occasionally. He has difficulty tilting his head to look up. He feels like his brain is not functioning properly because he can not recall names, letters, or numbers. With the first NBE Treatment, the pain was greatly reduced and he felt instantly lighter and mentally very positive.

Ethel (RS #255 6/20/09suffered from emotional and sexual abuse that started at the age of 5 or 6 that lasted for about 10 years. She started experiencing bouts of confusion, lack of trust, and anger and was subsequently placed in a psych hospital for almost a month and was diagnosed as Bipolar. She was placed on medication but was still feeling depressed and isolated. After her second treatment, her armor was lifted. She no longer experiences guilt and anger due to her past.  She has more energy, is happy, and genuinely enjoying life!

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664