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(714) 556-8664

Neck Pain, Muscle Pain, Shoulder Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, Auto Injury, Sports Injury

Ian (from Huntington Beach, CA) is a chief financial officer for a Newport Beach consulting firm. He has been suffering from back pain and sciatica for the last 25 years from auto injuries and playing football. He has tried chiropractics, rolfing, physical therapy, and medication, which only gave him temporary relief. He was referred by his partner Damian (see #171 10-2-04) who had great results with Dr. Tong. After 3 treatments with Dr. Tong, Ian’s neck and back pain was much improved. His pain was 70% better and his back has not locked up since the treatments, even after painting a house and lifting heavy objects. Most importantly, he has noticed an emotional and mental improvement. He is less irritable and more patient and calm. He also noticed that he can deal with stress better.

Severe Low Back Pain, Sciatica

Kim has been suffering from sciatic pain for the last 15 years. In the past 5 months, she started working out and her back began to hurt. She tried Advil, stretching, heating pads, cold pads, all to no avail. The pain got progressively worse to the point that one week ago, she was in the fetal position in her bed crying from the pain. She decided to see Dr. Tong. Before her treatment, she could not stand up straight and she walked into the office with her feet turned out to alleviate the pressure from her back. She could not even get up on the table. After one treatment, she walked out of the office with her back straight up without any pain. It has been a week since her treatment and she has had only mild soreness. She is in the desert today and dancing without any pain.

Call Us Today (714) 556-8664