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Patient Success Stories

We are proud to present hundreds of success stories that have had a chance to experience relief from Dr. Tong’s treatments.

Joseph – Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Breathing Problems, Visual Acuity, Hair Loss, Toe Fungus

After NBE treatments, Joseph has improved in his blood pressure readings, cholesterol levels, and pulmonary function tests.  His eyesight and eye pain is slowly improving .  In addition, he was also treated for hair loss and toe fungus where he obtained positive results.

Deborah & Masi (Part B) – Tendonitis, Hand Pain, TMJ Disorder, Lactose Intolerance & Quadriplegia, Spastic Paralysis, Itchy Skin

Deborah has been suffering from tendonitis in both hands which severely limited her daily functions. She was unable to move her hand at all without experiencing excruciating pain.  With no improvement after 5 months of treatment from her physician, she came to Dr. Tong for NBE treatments.  After 2 NBE treatments, she was able to move her wrist. She felt like she was able to perform her regular duties including washing the dishes.

Deborah also suffers from TMJ disorder for the past 8 months. Her jaw had been adjusted multiple times, yet it was still very painful to chew. After her second NBE treatment, she was able to chew steak again with minor pain. In addition, she was also treated for her lactose intolerance. She obtained great improvement, allowing her to eat cake and ice cream without any negative effects.

Masi has been quadriplegic for about 6 years, preventing him from any movement besides a shoulder shrug. In addition to being paralyzed from the neck down, he has been suffering from severe muscle spasms and itchy skin. After Masi’s first NBE treatment, he was able to slightly move his hand and arm, which he was not able to at all prior to his first NBE treatment. His muscles spasms have also improved and he is less sensitive to touch.

Deborah (Part A) – Tendonitis, Hand Pain, Shoulder Joint Limitation, TMJ Disorder

Deborah has been unable to move both her wrists  and hands for the past 5 months due to tendonitis. This lack of movement has severely limited her daily functions. She has not been able use her hands to lift a cup or even wash her face. In addition, she has not been able to reach her arm back for the past 3-4 years because of a great restriction in her shoulder joint.Deborah also suffers from TMJ disorder. She has been decreasing her meals because it has been extremely painful to chew.

After her first NBE treatment, Deborah felt very relaxed with a great decrease in pain. She could now move her  wrist and fingers, in which she was unable to do prior treatment. The restriction on her shoulders have also improved, allowing her to move her arm and reach back without experiencing excruciating pain.

Eleanore – Whole Back Pain, Sciatica


Eleanore has been suffering from whole back pain and sciatica pain which she has been experiencing for over 10 years. After her first NBE treatment, Eleanore felt much better with reduced pain and swelling. She was able to walk with more ease and less pain.

Peggy – Sciatica

Peggy has been experiencing sciatica pain with the level of severity increasing. Because of the pain, she has a hard time walking and is limited to her daily activities. After her first NBE treatment, she states that her pain has improved by 90%.


Walter – Severe Back Pain

Walter has been experiencing severe back pain for over 60 years.  He had the same surgery operated on him twice but still suffers from back pain. Walter came to Dr. Tong for his first treatment and is impressed that his pain has greatly been reduced.

William – Back and Shoulder Pain, Prostate and Sleeping Problems


After William’s first NBE treatment, he is relieved from his back and shoulder pain. He was able to work overhead for 8+ hours. He also had improvements in his prostate and sleeping problems.  He went from urinating 5 times/night to 2 times/night, and noticed he has been able to sleep much better.

Christine – Insomnia, Fatigue, Neck Pain

Christine has been experiencing insomnia for two years now.  She has an average of 4 hours of sleep per night causing her to be extremely fatigue and grumpy during the day.  She has been taking xanax for the past two years and recently been taking Nyquil, both of which has offered no improvement. After Christine’s fourth NBE treatment, she notices an increase in the amount of sleep she receives and an improvement in her mood.

Stephen – Back Pain, Fatigue, Lactose Intolerance, Food Poisoning, Ear Infection, Flu, Asthma

Stephen has been a patient of Dr. Tong’s for about 30 years now.  He first came to Dr. Tong for his back pain after he was not able to obtain any pain relief from his physicians.  His back pain prevented him from many of his daily activities and work duties. After NBE treatments, he was relieved of his back pain and noticed an increase in energy.

On one occasion, Stephen came to see Dr. Tong for a horrible encounter with food poisoning.  Stephen felt much better after treatment, and was able to gain an appetite an hour later. Stephen has also been treated for his lactose intolerance.  After 3-4 NBE treatments, he was able to eat dairy without any negative effects.

In addition, Stephen has had asthma for most of his life, which required him to use an inhaler all the time.  After NBE treatments, he states that he has not used his inhaler for almost three years now.  Over the years, Stephen has been coming in for the flu, cold, ear infection, and sore throat. He obtains immediate relief after 1 treatment.


Brick – Asthma, Difficulty Breathing, Fatigue, Neck Pain

Brick has had asthma for his whole life. He experiences difficulty in breathing as well as feeling fatigue all the time. After his first NBE treatment, Brick had an increase in energy and felt more alert. He notices that he is able to breathe much easier. In addition, he no longer feels the pinched nerve on his neck.

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Disclaimer: We make no guarantees of any kind. Results may vary from person to person. Not every patient or every case can be cured, and this website is not intended to replace the direct management of an illness by a caregiver. Please consult a qualified practitioner regarding therapeutic options.

Note: Most of our patients have exhausted other therapies for years, or even decades, but were able to get dramatic relief with their very first NBE treatment!

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